- Mein Versprechen wird nicht gebrochen, aber: ich habe das Rezept abgewandelt.
Das Rezept von My Dhaba versprach ich nachzukochen. Es wird im Kochbuch erscheinen, das die Not der Kinder lindern soll. Genaueres dazu in der blogroll. Im Original heißt es beetroot kotu. dort ist auch das Rezept zu finden.
I promised to try the recipe I found withMy Dhaba It is to be published in a book that will be sold in favour of the children of the world´s feeding. It´s the feed a hungry child campaign enlisted in my blogroll. Originally it´s namedbeetroot kotu. There you find the recipe.Zutaten
1 mittlere rote Beete
1 große Kartoffel
2 Möhren
2 Tomaten
1 Knolle jungen Knoblauch
3 dünne Scheiben Ingwer Im Original ohne Ingwer
1 grüne Pepperoni im Original: 4 grüne Pepperoni
1 Tasse grüne Bohnen
1 Tasse Linsen
1l Gemüse-
Die rote Beete im Backofen bei 175° backen, bis sie fast gar ist.
Kartoffel und Möhren schälen, in Stifte und Scheiben schneiden. Die junge Konblauchknolle vierteln, den Ingwer schälen, die Peperoni vierteln und entkernen. Die geschälten Tomaten zufügen. Alles mit 1 l Gemüsebrühe garkochen.
Die Hälfte der Gemüsemasse pürieren und wieder in den Topf geben. Bohnen und Linsen zufügen und eine halbe Stunde köcheln lassen.
Heiß servieren. Guten Appetit!!
German beetroot kotu
1 beetroot medium size
1 big potatoe
2 carrots
2 tomatoes
1 very young garlic
3 thin slices of ginger
1 green pepper
a cup of green beans
a cup of lentils
1 l vegetable broth
Bake the beetroot in the oven till nearly done, clean it, cut it to little sticks; prepare potatoe and carrots, cut them into sticks or slices. Add all with peeled tomatoes to the broth. Cut garlic into four pieces, as well as pepper. Add them with the ginger and let it cook smoothly till done.
Take half of the veggies to be mashed and added again to the rest. Then add beans and Lentils and cook smoothly for another half an hour.
You may add salt, curry leaves, if avialable.
Dress with corinader leaves and coconut or a little cream.
Beetroot kotu Thanks to My Dhaba
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4 Kommentare:
Im' not sure what a 'kotu' is but the recipe sounds very good - I love all the vegetables!
Hello Katie,
I´m not sure either, perhaps a dish like potage? Or follow the link to my dhaba.
Hi Helene,
How have you been? Many thanks for your goodwill with regard to the cause.
'Kootu' means a sidedish. In literally sense, it is any accompaniment that goes along with the main dish :-)
How did the recipe fared at your kitchen? Did the recipe perform as described? What suggestions do you have to improve it? Did you or would you change anything to improve it? How would you rate the ease or difficulty of this recipe and would you be inclined to make it again? IF no – why?
You may wonder why so may questions :-) These are prepared for the recipe taste-testers at the group cookbook project. Your inputs will be valuable.
well I took it for a main dish and it worked, because it´s delicious.
I made modifications to adapt it to German taste:
I used 1 instead of 4 peperonis.
I instroduced a slice of ginger, because it´s a favourite.
The recipe worked very well. I like to cook after your instructions.
It tasted marvellously and I´m very sure it will be cooked regularly in my kitchen.
Good luck for your project! :)
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