Die Gast-
geberin der dies-
wöchigen Kräuter-
küche WHB # 95 ist Melissa von Cooking Diva aus Panama.
This week´s hostess of weekend herb blogging is Melissa from Cooking Diva from Panama.
Mein Thema in dieser Woche sind Möhren. Oder sollte ich Wikpedia folgen und Karotten sagen. Hierzuland werden sie als Möhren verkauft. Witzig ist, dass bei diesem Gemüse in der deutschen Version Uneinigkeit besteht und in der englischen Version bei den Essiggürkchen.Zutaten:
500 g Möhren fein geraspelt
100 g Mehl
3 Eier
150 g Creme fraiche oder Mascarpone
50 g geriebener Parmesan
Salz, Pfeffer
Butter zum Braten
Das Mehl mit den Eiern, der Creme fraiche und dem Parmesan vermengen. Die geraspelten Möhren untermischen. In einer großen Pfanne die Butter erhitzen, den Teig löffelweise hineingeben und Puffer formen. Von beiden Seiten goldbraun backen.
Dazu eine Kräuterremoulade
125 g Philadelphia
2 Eßl Naturjoghurt
1 Eßl Kapern
1 Eßl Petersilie
1 Eßl. Estragon
1 Eßl. Schnittlauch
1 Teel. Dijonsenf
2-3 Sardellen
1 Essiggurke
Zutaten kleinhacken und im Mixer mischen.
Guten Appetit!
My theme this week are carrots. This vegetable is known with different names in the German version of wikipedia, wheras a dicussion is on at the English version abaout the other veggie whether it should be called gherkin, pickeled cucumber or else.Ingredients:
5oo g carrots thinly chopped
100 g flour
3 eggs
150 g creme fraiche or mascarpone
50 g Parmesan
salt, pepper
butter to bake
Mix flour, eggs, creme fraiche and parmesan to a smooth paste, add carrots. Heat a pan with butter and give spoons of paste into it. Form round cakes and bake about 3 minutes each side to turn golden brown.
To be served with a spicy remoulade.
125 g Philadelphia fresh smooth cheese
2 Eßl natural yoghurt
1 Eßl capers
1 Eßl parsley
1 Eßl. tarragon
1 Eßl. chives
1 Teel. Dijonmustard
2-3 Sardellen
1 gherkin (cornichon)
Give all ingredients into a bowl and mix them with a mixer thoroughly. Hand to little cakes.
WHB # 95 Möhrenküchlein * carrotcakes
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4 Kommentare:
I love the idea of cooking with mascarpone cheese! I am just in love with that cheese...Your carrot cakes look so delicate and beautiful in color.
Thank you for joining us for the WHB#95!
have a tasty day...
Thanks Melissa,
I have a tasty day, and the colourful cakes are melting all grey clouds away. It´s raining so much we are at the brink of flood.
Great! A carrot recipe! I tend to fix them one of a few ways all of the time... These little cakes look wonderful!
I'm happy to see that Melissa is doing better and has finally posted the recap for this WHB. Thanks for being so patient.
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