Gastgeberin diese Woche beim WHB # 103 ist Haalo von Cook almost Anything at least ones aus Melbourne. Sie wird es aber in Florenz zusammenstellen. Viel Freude dabei und schöne Tage in Italien.
This week´s hostess to WHB # 103 is Haalo from Cook almost Anything at least ones from Melbourne. She will assemble our entries in Florence, so best wishes to her there and have a nice time in Italy.
Der Kräutersaitling oder Königsausternpilz ist ein Zuchtpilz und kann auf der Fensterbank oder im Garten gezogen werden. Er ist arm an Kalorien, anisartig im Geschmack, bissfest und als Ersatz für den Steinpilz beliebt. Allerdings sollte er ohne Zwiebeln zubereitet werden, da er sonst sein Aroma verliert.
The trumpet mushroom is to be found in the Mediterrean regions, but also known in China and Japan and Australia. In Germany there are shops where stocks to grown the mushrooms on can be bought. The mushrooms can be grown on the windowsill or somewhere in the garden. The mushrooms are low in calories, reminding of anise in taste and popular as substitute of the expensive procini.
Kräutersaitling mit Tomatensauce und Rukola
für 2 Personen
4 Kräutersailinge
eine Handvoll Rukola
500 g weiche Kirschtomaten
Kräutersaitlinge würfeln, Tomaten halbieren, Rukola in Streifen schneiden.
Die Saitlinge in Olivenöl goldbraun anbraten, Tomaten hinzufügen und 10 Minuten köcheln lassen.
Gleichzeitig Spaghetti nach Vorschrift kochen.
Auf einem Teller Rukola anrichten, die Spaghetti und die Saitlingsauce zufügen.
Guten Appetit!
Trumpet mushroom with Tomatoe sauce and arrugula
serves 2 persons
4 trumpet mushrooms
500 g cherry tomatoes, very ripe
a handful of arugula
olive oil
Cut mushrooms into cubes, tomatoes into halves and arugula into stripes. Give olive oil and mushrooms into a pan and stirfry till golden. Add tomatoes and let cook at low heat for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile cook spaghetti as recommended.
Arrange arugula on a plate, add spaghetti and sauce and enjoy tasty meal low in calories.
WHB # 103: Kräutersaitling * Trumpet mushroom
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Labels: Gemüse, Vegetable, Weekend Herb Blogging
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4 Kommentare:
Helene, the mushrooms look wonderful and much like sea scallops...quite filling and noted!
So that's what they're called! I can get those in the markets - big clusters of them and I just love them... growing them would be fun!
I like the pasta!
I haven't seen trumpet mushrooms or heard of them, but they sound just wonderful!
That's a great looking dish, Helen, and simple to make too! I don't think I've seen these before.
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