- Dieses Wochenende ist Anna Gastgeberin des Weekend Herb Blogging # 71 Events. Ich möchte mich mit einem winterlichen Eintopf beteiligen.
- This week Anna is host of the weekly weekend herb blogging. I want to contribute with a winterly potage.
- Zutaten:
7-10 Calamaris
4 Pat soi
Knoblauchzehen nach Belieben
1 Scheibe Ingwer
8 geschälte Tomaten
4 geschälte rote Paprika
1 rote Pepperoni
Kurkuma - Zubereitung:
Die Calamaris in Streife, Pepperoni in schmale Streifen, Ingwer in schmale Schnitze schneiden, Tomaten und Paprika würfeln. Patsoi: die grünen Blätter von den weißen Stengeln trennen, Knoblauch pressen.
Zuerst die Calamaris in Olivenöl anbraten, dann die Stengel der Pat soi zufügen. Kurkuma zufügen und beides darin anbraten. Wenn die Stengel glasig sind, Tomaten, Paprika, Knoblauch und Ingwer zufügen und weitere 5 Minuten garen. Dann die Blätter zufügen und alles bei geringer Hitze 15 Minuten ziehen lassen.
Dazu wird Reis serviert. Es schmeckt aber auch vorzüglich lauwarm mit Baguette und einem Glas Rotwein.
Guten Appetit! - Calamar with Pat soi
- Ingredients:
7-10 Calamar
4 Pat Soi (Japanese Mustard Cabbage)
8 peeled Tomatoes
4 red roasted and peeldepeppers
1 red chilli pepper
a slice of ginger
garlic if you like
curcuma - Preparation:
To be sliced: calamar, chili pepper, ginger, garlic,
To be cubes: tomatoes, red pepper,
to be divided: green and white of pat soi.
Roast calmar in a pot for a while. Add white of pat soi and curcuma. When it becomes sort of shiny add tomatoes, red peppers, garlic, ginger and peeled tomatoes. Let it simmer wor a while. Add the pat soi leaves and reduce heat again and let it unfold its odour for 15 minutes.
Serve with rice or as a starter cooled down but still warm with French bread. You may drink a glas of red wine.
Enjoy it!
Thanks to Kalyn from Kalyn´s Kitchen we will have a wonderful roundup and will enjoy each others recipes and more. And sure we will join in a week.
10 Kommentare:
The colors are so amazing in this soup! I often see pot soi in the local Japanese market both fresh and pickled, although I'm not 100% sure of the common US name. Thanks for participating in WHB!
This is a vegetable I've never seen. Thanks for teaching me about something new.
That sure looks tasty! Sure to keep you warm on a wintry night :) Now if only the weather here would cool down a bit...
your recipe is very good and versatile, We Chinese always make a dish like yours, very delicious!
@ anna,
well my dictionairy didn´t offer anything. So when there´s someone knowing it, I be glad.
Thanks for dropping in. :)
@ Kalyn,
didn´t know it´s so spectacular. But nice to impress you. Give it a try or substitute by mangold, which is harder and tasted a bit nuttier.
@ joey,
thanks for dropping in. :)
@ gattina,
well then I´ll be impressed to learn a Chinese version.
Thanks for dropping in. :)
Oh Boy!!
Great work...Iam not getting enough time to manage two blogs, yet you manage 4, and still write in two languages...I learnt german onceupon a time...that was more like a gala time than learning....so it got erased as we moved forward...but, I cud never forget the language, lovely grammar and my desire to embrace it again..but for now, Tschuss!!
@ a yunus,
thanks for looking around. I´m glad that you enjoyed your stay in Germany. Perhaps you come along so time... :)
What a colorful dish this is! I've seen tat-soi at my local farmers' market, is this similar?
What wonderful photos!
Makes me want to rethink trying calamari...
@ susan
I think there are different names for this veggie. If it tastes sort of sharp more than the nut-like taste of mangold, than you´ve found it.
@ katie
I´m glad to make you muse.
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