
Grillen im Frühjahr * Springtime grilling

  • Als Vorspeise ein Gurkensalat mit Dill und rote Beete Gelee.

  • As starter a salad of cucumber with dill and beetroot yelly.

  • Die Grillsaison wird wieder eröffnet. Zitronenhähnchen mit Paprika und Tomaten. Die Marinade des amerikanischen Grillpapstes wird mit Olivenöl angereichert, da sonst die Haut rissig wird. Rosmarin und Knoblauch geben weiteres Aroma.

  • The grilling season is opened again. Lemon chicken with red peppers and tomatoes. The marinade of the American grilling chief is adjusted with olive oil, because otherwise the skins will get cracked. Rosemary and garlic add their flavour.

8 Kommentare:

sra hat gesagt…

Helene, thanks for visiting my blog. I like yours, especially the brilliant reds that you have in your photos!

Toni hat gesagt…

And my grill just ran out of gas. But now I've got a good reason to fill up the tank! Everything here looks terrific! (And I love your last post on tapas.)

Toni hat gesagt…

p.s. - I just went back and looked at the other posts. I'm salivating! I'm putting a link to your blog on my blog.

Anh hat gesagt…

I love grilled chicken. And your recipe is a must try. :)

Helene hat gesagt…

@ sher,
thanks for coming around. Hope to see you soon again.
thanks for the honor. And I hope to impress you now and again.
@ sher
get started soon, it´s springtime.
@ anh
hope you enjoy it.
@ all of you :))

Susan from Food Blogga hat gesagt…

How I miss having a grill! The fragrance from grilled vegetables makes my mouth water. Yours must have been delicious!

Gattina Cheung hat gesagt…

beetroot jelly in salad, I like it! Oh wish the warmer weather comes sooner, I miss the grill!

Helene hat gesagt…

@ susan
spring is definitely in the air. So start the grilling season.
Thanks for looking around. it´s tasting yummy.